Why You NEED to Exercise

For Everyone…

Physical activity as simple as walking can completely rearrange circuits in the brain and make you feel much better if repeated over time.

The Brain is an organ that is oftentimes misinterpreted. Many people are under the impression that the brain is not able to heal itself, so they take medications and hope that one day it will just magically be better. The healing process of the brain is better known as Neuroplasticity.

The funny thing about this concept is that Neuroplasticity can be both good and bad. To better understand this concept, it is best that you understand the general function of the brain. The brain is trained to create circuits that improve its automatic response and overall function. When certain movements or actions are repeated, the brain strengthens that circuit and makes the connection stronger, turning that movement or action into a habit over time.

These habits can be either good or bad, but regardless of what they are, they can not be removed unless they are replaced with another habit. For instance, smoking is a terrible habit, but until you train your brain to fill that void with something else, you will fail to remove that habit from your everyday routine. Chewing Nicorette gum or performing physical activity would be great substitutions because they are both actions that can be repeated and they are healthier alternatives that will not damage the body.

Another way that you could begin to train yourself to break a bad habit is by meditating. Meditating is basically a guided practice that teaches you how to control your thoughts and block out unwanted thoughts or feelings.

Exercising consistently is one of the best habits that you can have. By exercising, you can strengthen your brain and reduce your chances of getting Dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Exercise triggers Neurotrophic growth factors, which help to create new brain cells, and also strengthens the Hippocampus, which decreases the likeliness to forget short-term memories.


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